During the Christmas season, we usually receive our bonus and Philhealth share, SRA, PEI and CNA (and all other abbreviations of benefits they can think of...). It is also a great opportunity for income generation with all the parties and gift-giving and shopping.
December is a season of spending money. Aside from the mandatory gifts, how did you spend your money?
T1. Share with us what you consider your largest purchase for this year.
January is the start of the year with the New Year resolutions and we start the cycle of saving all over again. Some tips on managing your money include (1) creating a budget, (2) saving for emergencies, (3) investing for the future, and (4) reducing your debt.
I've personally observed that the older generation is more thrifty than my generation and label me as "galit sa pera" but when we discuss about spending with my younger colleagues, they think I have a lot of money that I could have spent for travel and vacations.
Different people have different priorities when it comes to saving and spending. Some save up for emergencies or contingencies. Others invest in further formal education. Large purchases become forced savings when purchasing a new house or a new car or top of the line gadgets. Others put away funds for retirement, while others save for travel to allow them to experience new cultures, explore the world and create lasting memories.
T2. What are you saving up for? Is this a need or a want?
I asked Gemini about key investment options and the shortlist I received include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, real estate and commodities. At my age, I am still paying for my condo unit and a farm that I purchased in 2018. Filling up my SALN reminds me that I have liabilities that can be considered investments.
3. How do you save or invest your money?
Join us tonight on #HealthXPH at 9PM MLA time for a healthy discussion on money.