Monday, January 28, 2019

Stop Throwing People Away

You stand with the demonized so the demonizing will stop.
You stand with the DISPOSABLE so that you stop throwing people away.

Defend the rights of the Filipino child

That's one problem with the INSTANT and DISPOSABLE culture.  You lose the art of reusing or repairing or rebuilding. Once something is damaged or used, nobody bothers to fix. Everybody just throws away so much waste.  So when you see damaged individuals, abused individuals, youth thrown away, do you think demonizing them is the answer?

We should try fixing and bringing them back to themselves despite whatever past they've been through.

Stop attacking children

Lowering the minimum age of criminal liability is not the answer.  Improving our rehabilitation and diversion programs should be given a chance.

Children should be in jails, not in prisons. 

Our culture of death sees unborn children being killed for a choice. Elderly people are being euthanized for mercy. If we throw away our youth who have gone astray due to neglect, poverty, bad influence and exploitative gangs, who will teach our children how to care, how to share and how to love?  Who will take care of us when we grow old?

Ang bata palanggaon, dili prisohon. 

We need to learn from our grandparents, who fixed things lile old cars, damaged houses, and wounded relationships, because they were too precious and too valuable to throw away.

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