Saturday, November 14, 2020


Yesterday, we had the first installment of the 6th Healthcare Social Media Summit Philippines 2020 #HCSMPH2020 with a lecture by Dr Iris Thiele Isip-Tan on establishing a professional social media presence followed by a panel discussion with #HealthXPH 

Later that same evening, the #HealthXPH tweetchat was like an extension of the #HCSMPH2020 session with the tweetchat allowing the community to answer the same questions in the panel.  Here are some of the tweets that caught my eye.

T1.  What advice would you give for researchers wanting to start a blog as an online portfolio?

T2.  In what ways has Twitter been useful for you in the research process?

T3.  What tips can you give for those who are new to Twitter?  Who should they follow? Do you have criteria?  How can you grow your personal learning network?

Elizabeth Pacheco advised to follow people who make you smile!  I am glad that #HealthXPH is a safe space where one can de-stress after a hectic week and just verbalize and vent and people will accept and support you, so follow #HealthXPH!

Jerome Cleofas called for people to PARTICIPATE.  yes, I would agree that one simply has to engage and be willing to try something new to be able to maximize use of social media and gain social capital.  Go out there and talk with people.  On twitter, my students learn how to communicate professionally, both to patients, policy makers and to consultants.  That's the beauty of twitter connecting people regardless of station, rank, religion or nationality.

Hope to see everyone in Cebu livetweeting the activities of the Central Visayas Health Research and Innovation Conference from November 16-20, 2020 on #hcsmph2020 so that we can evaluate the success of the virtual conference this year, as we move forward and adapt to living with COVID-19 in the new normal. 

See you again next week for the 2nd part of #hcsmph2020 as we discuss about conducting social media research with Dr Narciso Tapia.  register on

In any case, it was happy to see all of #HealthXPH in one monitor screen virtual is next best thing to face to face.

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