Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Benefits of Travel

This chat is inspired by our upcoming travel to Europe to receive an award for our hospital from the International Hospital Federation, this time in Lisbon, Portugal.  We hope to maximize our trip to see as many countries within the Schengen area as possible.

Our first trip to Europe in 2021 to Barcelona, Spain was memorable considering its was still during the time of COVID19 pandemic.  Overthinking begot anxiety and anxiety increased stress levels.

I've also seen a lot of photos and Tiktok videos of OBGYN colleagues in Paris, France attending the FIGO where our very own Dr Lourdes Capito is awarded as Hero Outstanding Obstetrician-Gynecologist, representing the Philippines!

Our Department of Health Bureau of International Health Cooperation issued guidelines on international engagements of government healthcare workers.

I tried asking ChatGPT for the first time regarding the benefits of travel and here is an enumeration:

1.  Broadens your perspective: Travel exposes you to different cultures, people, and ways of life, helping you gain a broader understanding of the world. It challenges your assumptions and opens your mind to new ideas and experiences.

2.  Enhances cultural awareness: Through travel, you have the opportunity to experience and appreciate various customs, traditions, and lifestyles. This helps foster cultural sensitivity and understanding, making you more tolerant and respectful towards other cultures.

3.  Personal growth: Travel pushes you out of your comfort zone and encourages personal growth. It challenges you to adapt to new situations, problem-solve, and become more independent and self-reliant.

4.  Creates lifelong memories: Traveling allows you to create unforgettable memories and experiences that will last a lifetime. From witnessing breathtaking landscapes to engaging in unique activities, these moments become cherished stories that you can share with others.

5.  Expands your network: Travel provides the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life. Whether it's fellow travelers, locals, or expats, you can build meaningful connections and create a diverse network that may offer future friendship, collaboration, or support.

6.  Boosts mental health: Traveling can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. It provides a break from routine, offers new experiences, and promotes relaxation and rejuvenation.

7.  Promotes self-discovery: When you travel, you have the chance to reflect on your own values, beliefs, and desires. It allows for self-reflection and self-discovery, enabling you to better understand yourself and your place in the world.

8.  Enhances language and communication skills: Traveling to different countries exposes you to different languages and dialects. This immersion can improve your language skills and help you become a more effective communicator.

9.  Encourages lifelong learning: Traveling is a continuous learning experience. You learn about history, art, architecture, cuisine, and various other subjects. It keeps your mind active and curious, promoting a love for learning.

10.  Provides opportunities for adventure and exploration: Traveling allows you to embark on exciting adventures and explore new places. Whether it's hiking through scenic trails, diving into the ocean, or visiting historical landmarks, travel offers a range of thrilling experiences.

Join us tonight at 9PM MLA time on #HealthXPH to discuss the benefits of TRAVEL:

T1.  Share about your latest travel experience.

T2.  What impact did travel have in your life?

T3.  Where would you like to travel to next, and why?

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