Friday, April 3, 2015

#HAWMC Day 4: Creature of Habit

#HAWMC Day 4: Creature of Habit

What good habits do you have?

I can't say I am creature of habit.  Each day holds a surprise for me, and my daily schedule although always full, is erratic at best.  At most, I have two good habits to share:

One habit that I gladly keep is the #HealthXPH tweetchat every Saturday night.  It has provided me with an outlet to express my thoughts on subjects that I hold dear.  It has enabled me to meet new friends and to find support for advocacies that are most needed in the community.  For one hour each week, I put on hold whatever worries and deadlines I have.  When I get online, I am ready to engage. I am ready for friendly debate and discussion.  I feel accepted and I feel that I have a voice, and people listen.  They say I am addicted, yes maybe.  This way I feel connected and that I make a difference.

Another habit that I sorely rely on for spiritual support is attending Sunday mass.  I would have wanted to attend mass everyday, but I feel that Sunday mass, one hour with the Lord, is sufficient for my needs.  I feel so absorbed in prayer especially during communion, that the tears just quietly flow. I always wonder if I was ever meant for contemplative life, but I figured that I am of better use as a missionary.  For one hour, I let go of all distractions and just focus on our Lord.  I offer up to Him all my worries, the desires of my heart, whatever I was able to accomplish with my best effort, my mission in life.  I get my strength recharged during this one hour.  I may be surrounded by so many people, but in prayer, it is just God and me.  He is my anchor in the storms of my life.

Bad habits? I have lots of those.  

I don't really eat breakfast in the morning, just my cup of mint coffee and my glass of juice.  Then my meals for the rest of the day are bits and pieces that I can pick up when I can.

I don't have a regular exercise regimen, because it often gets railroaded by work that urgently needs to be done.  Although I do my best to keep my evenings free for running at the oval or swimming laps at the pool, I think it is high time that I enroll in a class to force me to attend to my exercise, or lack thereof.

I have difficulty sleeping at night, so I work and work until I am exhausted to stay awake. Luckily, I wake up refreshed the next morning.

I know I really need to attend to my health as it is just as important as the work I do for public service.  I need regular "ME" time for self-care.

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