Tuesday, April 7, 2015

#HAWMC Day 7: World Health Day

#HAWMC Day 7: World Health Day

Daily nutrition and diet.  How do you maintain a healthy regimen?

Aha! This hit a sore spot with me as I have always been struggling with diet and nutrition.  Ok, so I admit that I am fat.  The weighing scale and the BMI charts say that I need to lose somewhere around 50 pounds... and I notice that whenever I go on a diet and count my calories, I feel deprived and end up gaining more weight!  So I just stop stressing myself and just eat what I can, when I can and just avoid the evil food...

My mother read about the alkaline diet and how it addresses all the health problems I am experiencing - bloatedness, burping, bone and teeth problems, etc.  Sounds like a cure-all and how food can be your medicine.  I googled images on alkaline foods and I am sharing here some useful images that I found to guide eating habits:

In general, I try not to restrict myself and just try to select food choices that are alkaline.  When we have buffet, I generally stick to the salad bar and sashimi station.

One habit that I am able to follow is to drink 5 freshly squeezed calamansi first thing in the morning. I even planted calamansi in our garden in the hopes of growing them myself.  If you want alkaline water, Dr Willie Ong says adding calamansi to a liter of water will do just as well as lemon water, as is usually served in restaurants.

I probably am the last person to tell you about how to diet, but these are the tips that I think I can personally follow.  I've tried different diets to lose weight, but most are not sustainable, expensive and stressful.  So basically I don't think about eating to lose weight, but eating healthy to maintain general health.

Helen Madamba, struggling dieter.

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